Efficiency And Effectiveness

Efficiency And Effectiveness

Time flies whether you are wasting it or not” by Crystal Woods hits me almost every time, particularly when I have a task, a goal to achieve, or a step to take ahead of me. That statement is accurate, as nobody can evade the passage of time. Imagine that your flight was scheduled at 9.00 am this morning, but you missed it because you woke up past 9:00 am due to the outing you had with your pals. Even though you may schedule a different flight, the expense will be more, that is the timing that can’t be reversed. Similarly, you recently learned that the woman for whom you have long had emotions but never expressed just got married to another guy. No one can indeed predict the future, but if you would have mentioned this to her, you may have found yourself in the man’s position. Unfortunately, you now have regrets and only wishes but must go on with your life. The time you wasted due to procrastination was the same time someone utilized fully. That is only one of the many realities of life. You might be wondering how these relate to our current hash node post right? Well! So let me take you back to what this week’s assignment was all about. We were required to use seooptimer.com to do an SEO and content audit on our blog, and get a score of 90 by the end of the week. Whilst it appears a little difficult at first especially when it comes to interpretation, it is still fascinating and eye-opening. This is because while doing so, it reveals statistics about our website and identifies areas that need improvement. The test we ran has so far generated a series of recommendations such as, including Alt Attributes to our images and modifying the Meta Description Tag, etc. The team lead and assistant, as usual, have been making sure that Google meetings are arranged to help us get the outcomes we need. These sessions are essential because they address the problems that each group member has on their own. Actually, for some reason, it has been challenging to get everyone on board at once. It might be discouraging sometimes, but at the end of the day, group members never let the team down, and that is when the team spirit really begins to take grip. Nonetheless, we are still working on our task and are optimistic that, despite the short deadline and the immediate pressure, we will be able to ignore all the inaccuracies and connect the dots wherever they surface. Are we going to score a 90? Stay with us as we will undoubtedly share our experience and the actions that followed thereafter. Read more about our blog@ allportfolioteam15lifeexperienceandphilosop..

PC: images.app.goo.gl/pcc8nu24YH5r6xF